

AOE 2024: Thin-walled Structure (Materials are available on CANVAS) (Undergraduate core course)

NU: Mechanistic Computational Intelligence

Graduate level course; Materials will be uploaded soon

Open Source Materials & Talks


NIST Additive Manufacturing Benchmark Challenge 2022 Talk

This is a summary talk by our group on the NIST AM Benchmark Challenge 2022. We won several awards for our work.

Mechanistic Deep Learning for Additive Manufacturing

The talk is a summary of my research presented in MMLDT-CSET Conference 2021 and WCCM-ECCOMAS 2020 congress.

Summer course on Mechanistic Data Science for High School Students

I have co-designed a few summer courses for advanced high school students in Evanston, Illinois, USA as a graduate mentor from NU on mechanistic data science. I have also been a co-designer of 2 new courses based on mechanistic data science and deep learning discrete calculus. The webpage has all the contents created for this course.

Introductory Mechanics for Undergraduate Student (BUET)

The webpage contains introductory mechanics course for the undergraduate students that I designed for EEE and CS students in BUET.

2-point Correlation Function for Microstructure 

Materials scientists all over the world use 2-point correlation function to characterize a micrograph through a function. In the same way, it will be handy if someone has the tool to use the 2-point correlation function and regenerate the original microstructure as accurately as possible. I created the attached repository in my 1st quarter of grad school at Northwestern which has all the codes that can perform both 2 point correlation characterization and regeneration using simulated annealing method. This was a student-researcher initiative and I hope it can be a starting point for early researchers out there! Enjoy! 

Github Page: SSahaNU0923/2-point-correlation-microstructure-characterization (